Is The Guidance and Advice You Receive Reliable?

Written by Jonathan Kattenberg on December 8, 2020
Est. Reading: 6 minutes

Mindset, Professionalism and Integrity - Helping you build a solid mindset

Do people impose their own limiting beliefs on you?

I want to share an extract from an article I wrote a couple of years ago, which I feel is very pertinent in current times. Especially given many people’s perception of the uncertainty of COVID, the economic challenge, global political implications and restrictions as well as the thoughts of uncertainty of the unknown.

So, it was day 10 of a countdown to a 430 Artic Foot Race back in December 2018:

The Amazing support of the NHS

“The day before writing this blog on the 29th December 2018, I was advised to go to the A&E department at the local hospital to get checked out, after calling the non-emergency helpline. My breathing peak flow had gone from being in the late 600’s down to under 300 and things weren’t right. I had certainly just gone through a very challenging period of my life, which took not only physical but also a lot of mental energy to say the least. My body was trying to force me to stop as it was a little exhausted to say the least.

The great news was that after various tests and x rays etc, the medical specialists gave me the ‘all clear’. My mind was trying to work overtime figuring out what was wrong with my heart and breathing!

I was so grateful for the loving wishes of a swift recovery which I received whilst in hospital at that time. God knows what it would be like today given the strain on the NHS due to COVID. 

One thing did stand out and reminded me of some of the comments/remarks I have received over the last 12-18 months.

What I’m referring to is how a number of people, who know me, had recommended that I should slow down, ease off, take it easy for a while, question my why and much more, back in 2018.” 

The same can be said of today, 2 years later.

I understand that they are trying to look out for me, however, what I feel is essential to recognise, is the platform, their own experience or position in life, that they are making their views from. 

Please understand, I am not ungrateful for the love I have received in any way whatsoever, I am truly grateful.

However, we are all implicitly and explicitly conditioned from not just ourselves, but those around us and social media influence, of course.

To get to the point, if someone is advising you to slow down, ease off, take a break, etc, is that person passing on their wisdom from their own outlook and experience of life? If so, is that person actually pushing themselves beyond their own perceived limits, or are they constantly staying within their own comfort zone? Why does this matter you may ask? I’ll come to this later on.

Challenging those who give you guidance and advice!

Don’t be scared to ask them about their own experience of being in the same situation. You may be surprised to find that they have no experience whatsoever! I feel myself steering towards the latter, where most opinions expressed are from minds that don’t actually go beyond their own comfort zone. 

This can also be from people who hold certain academic qualifications on paper, but in the real world don’t know, nor have any real life experience of the magnitude of an undertaking such as my 1,000 mile unsupported arctic trek. We all have a 1,000 mile trek/journey in us. It just looks a bit different for each person.

Warning/word of advice - if you are looking to work with a Life/Mindset Coach for 2021 and beyond, is that person walking the talk, do they actually have the experience and qualifications?

Validating the experience and techniques by anyone who tries to guide you!

I was once approached to attend a course with a claim it could excel my endurance abilities to a whole new level, and prepare me for the Arctic challenges, and all for the price of a few hundred pounds. 

With an open mind, when researching and digesting their claims, it was clear that the alleged claims of their workshop were completely unfounded nor supported by medical evidence, or were experienced in endurance, nor were they living an endurance lifestyle. 2 years later and the same is still happening.

We all have a choice in our lifestyle, which I have no issue with, but if someone wants to make claims to a certain mindset practice or fitness training, yet, aren’t walking the talk in the present time and moment, nor have the experience, you have to question their integrity and ensure you don’t get conned out of money, nor be miss-led! Be careful people. I feel very passionate about this.

So, when reflecting after coming out of hospital in December 2018, my experience increased my passion, drive, tenacity and determination to push even stronger, albeit wiser, whilst I pursued my dreams, ambitions and goals. This to me, is a way of living, I know no other way. I may not get it right every time! I’m human for goodness sake. But I learn, adapt, strive through life with a fluid approach and remain determined, just like water flowing, to find the most appropriate path for my journey in life.

Sharing my thoughts...

I wanted to share my thoughts and hope that this encourages you to go out there and Iive beyond your comfort zone. Please don’t stay within it. Go out and live and don’t be scared of falling. Failure only ever occurs if you quit on life. Falling down doesn’t mean we have failed, it just means we need to get up, brush the dust off and try again. Just like when we first started to learn to ride a bike. When we fell, we got back up and tried again. 

Eventually we rose victoriously with a smile and a sense of joy like nothing else! As a child we knew no different and everyone around us encouraged us to get back up and try again. 

That said, in the adult world, it seems very acceptable to quit once you have tried a couple of times.

Fast forward to the present moment - Dec 2020

Fast forward to today. I now find myself in my final 2 months of hard training before I ease off for my 1,000-mile unsupported trek in arctic conditions. I hold the past experience of the last 3 years of unsuccessful attempts of completing the challenges in mind. Yet, this just merely fuels my burning desire to succeed even more as I find success in the experience!

When visualising your dreams, think about what you truly desired as a child, and ask yourself, are you living the dream you once thought about? If not, spend time reflecting and “Acknowledging” on the dream you once had. “Accept” it and “Attach” the emotional drive to it. Create an “Action” plan. “Agree” to begin and then go out and “Achieve”. Learn to apply my 5A’s referred to within my book ‘How To Build On Tectonic Plates’. I can honestly say it works not just for me, but for many of my clients.

Don’t let others tell you to slow down, especially if they live within their own comfort zones!

Don’t let others tell you to slow down, especially if they live within their own comfort zones! I still get at least once or twice a month people telling me to slow down, relax a little because I’m now 50. Do not get me wrong, I have more people in my world excited for me and full of encouragement.

I’m a believer that to love and care for someone, is to allow them to be free to live the life they truly desire, and support them, not oppress them with limiting ways of being.

It’s when we push ourselves beyond our perceived limitations, that we truly achieve in life and find out what we are actually made of. When we do this, we enter the unknown and it’s how we also adapt to the new experience. 

Utilising the door technique I created can be a perfect accompaniment to training your mind in this area. You just need to understand the process, understand what other doors may open and how to work with unplanned thoughts, actions and feelings.

For me, I look forward and certainly don’t hold back. If anything, I push harder.

Wishing you all an amazing life.

Warmest wishes


#Success #Inspire #Achieve #Passion #Life #Enjoylife
