Whenever I work with clients, I ask them to complete an exercise I call the 5As. It’s a key element for clients working through different sections in my book “How To Build On Tectonic Plates” or personalised manual I provide my clients.
The purpose of this exercise is to establish an understanding of your current situation. It involves looking at what has happened in the past, whether you acknowledge that past and how it has influenced you in respect of your thought’s actions and feelings.
It also helps you to break down the change you may need to make, by looking at the actions required and how you can measure your progress.
The process then leads you to position your mind as if you have ultimately achieved the journey and desired successful outcome or change.
Far too often clients go straight the visualising process only to find things don’t materialise over time. By applying the above process, this empowers your mind with the knowledge and understanding of what needs to be done.
It can support clarity, eradication of procrastination, unwanted stress, anxiety and much more.
My 5As principle incorporates: Ability to Acknowledge, Ability to Accept, Ability to Agree, Ability to Act, and Ability to Achieve.
Below is just an insight to some of the questions a client is encouraged to reflect and answer:
What do you choose to acknowledge about yourself in respect of your mindset?
What do you need to acknowledge about your current financial affairs?
What is it that you need to accept?
Do you need to accept action is required? and what needs to be achieved?
What is it you need to agree?
What action do you need to take?
Is it measurable?
What achievements key milestone markers have you noted?
How do you think or feel your emotional state of being will be once you have achieved your desired outcome?
If you would like to know more about how I support clients with their mind and wealth, don’t delay, just reach out and get in touch.
I’m sure you will have heard this before, but if you keep doing the same, you will continue get the same outcome.
If you truly want to make change, then take action and get in touch.
Warmest wishes